*Names have been changed (slightly) to protect identity
Feedback accepted graciously (no violence involved, i swear)
Disclaimer: All events and proceedings related to this site are fictitious. Any association to current affairs is ENTIRELY coincidental...Completely coincidental
(Ha, that'll keep those with libel in mind happy. or dead)

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

LOL, today I brought a slush puppie thing into Music. Mrs T noticed it and told my friend to drink it quickly because it did something to the keyboards. Hmm, I think that’s only if you pour the slush onto the keyboard… Anyway, just at this moment some visitors came in and Mrs T hissed at us to hide the drink. After the visitors had left, Mrs T carried on with the lesson, not before giving us a large, exaggerated wink. *shudder*
Talking of teachers, Ms Milzani is getting a bit confused. Trying to teach us the Iambic Pentameter she went from “Stressed, unstressed, stress, unstressed” to “stretched, unstret” lol, we did another poem today and its just as bad as the other one. However, this time the message is “See this flea? It’s bitten me, it’s bitten you, our blood is united in the flea. So, if its already united in the flea, it wont do our reputations any damage if we have sex now” Ha, talk about corny chat-up lines
LOL, Stophig, BethJob and I were in hysterics after we heard the line “It sucked me first, and now sucks thee” Yes, we’re immature, we know. Lol, I cracked up after I heard “Where are our balls? I had nothing to do with the removal of the balls.” on Recess. P-lease! This is a cartoon for young children! I was watching it for my….. textiles homework ….. yes…. my textiles homework… *cough cough cough*

# posted by Unknown @ 10/01/2003 05:27:00 pm
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Quotable Quotes about the site from the MYNSIL readers

"If i were a tree.... this is where i'd be"


"If watermelons could talk.... "

"I used to watch paint dry until I found your blog, then I found a new meaning of bordem"

"Have actually been to your site now- is good, I think"

"Hell without the pointy things"

"...is very good and not at all uninteresting"

"I thought this was the queue (spelling) for the ice-cream "

"Its wikid"

"indeed i like lol, thats y i rd it wenever summin new comes out lol"

"I like being famousish"

"Your website keeps me sane" - (WTF?LOL)

"Zoe is a jolly good example of English manners and Decency"

"...a secret agent in the happy andrex puppy world who wishes to infiltrate this hapiness and let them see the true light" -thats Raz about me ...

"I really like the link to the immature rude words my favourite is K for Kangaroo Spunk"

"Yes one haas done a Zoe and eaten too many E numbers and now ich bin hyper"

"Shine on you crazy diamond!"